Women's Health and Fertility

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Credit: Unsplash

At Grow Family Acupuncture we have a strong focus on women’s health issues. We work with women of all ages to to ensure a healthy reproductive system, pain-free and regular menstrual cycles, and balanced hormones. We create a safe space for emotional release when it needs to happen and we help you become more attuned to your body’s inner wisdom so you can feel empowered in your health care.

For women who wish to become pregnant, we offer pre-conceptive care and fertility treatment. We focus on regulating the menstrual cycle, strengthening the ovaries, balancing the emotions and stabilizing the nervous system. We will recommend herbs, supplements, and dietary adjustments to enhance fertility and help you feel your best. We work with queer folks, straight women, and their partners to create the best possible circumstances for conception. Whether you are planning an IVF transfer or hoping to get pregnant naturally, we are here to support you on your journey.

We also work with women as they transition into menopause. Acupuncture care can help make this process as smooth and comfortable as possible. We focus on reducing symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, and mood swings. We are also here to listen and offer emotional support and anchoring as you transition to a new stage in life.